I just got done ordering Athena her chew neckless and a foam puzzle I can't wait. Also we went to the mall yesturday and she did great, she walked areound, flapping but not screaming. She did do alot of humming but no breakdowns. I was so proud I wanted to cry. She did panic every once and awhile but we picked her up and held her close. It was like the people around her wasn't getting into her world. Even when she was walking around it was like they weren't even there. Walked right into them. It was funny at times but of course it was alot of I'm sorries. Then I found an autism charm for my braslet I was so happy. Towards the end we went to the bookstore and got her a book but then I saw Kiland (SP) and she grab that thing like she had a death grip on it so we got it for her. I just had to share because I"m so proud of her. Thank you for reading.